Better notifications, check administration and transactions

Better notifications, check administration and transactions

Email notification with more information

The email notification will be send in HTML format and contain additionally a link to the check URL for HTTP/S and Local Web Checks and a link to the check report.

Copy and move checks

Now it is possible to copy and move checks. This can be done in the check properties in the Action menu as well as in the tree's context menu.
In the tree you can mark several checks and copy them to several servers. With a few clicks you can set up the monitoring for multiple similar servers. This makes the check administration easier and faster.

Transaction Manager with improved browser

The Transaction Manager browser has now the functionality of the Internet Explorer 11. This allows the monitoring of Ajax features with transactions which require the functionality of the latest browsers.

Mobile provider not needed anymore when creating a contact

When creating a contact the mobile provider is necessary in exceptional cases only (USA / Canada). We ensure the coverage of all available mobile networks with our broad SMS partner network.

Check parameter in HTTP Push notification

The HTTP Post Request of the HTTP Push notification contains now all check parameter.

Contact login also for Mobile Apps

Contacts with own credentials can access our mobile apps as well.