ServerGuard24 is offered by:
ServerGuard24 GmbH
Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 1
Phone: +49 228 / 37749 152
Register Court: Amtsgericht Bonn (HRB 23856)
Managing Director: Matthias Waltsgott
jurisdiction: District Court/Local court Bonn, Germany
sales tax identification number
according to § 27 sales tax code: DE 280 482 218
content officer
according to § 6 MDStV: Matthias Waltsgott
ServerGuard24® is a registered trademark.
Liability Notice:
Despite thorough content control, we do not assume liability for the content of external links.
The operators of these links hold sole responsibility for their content.
The information in this service was carefully checked and based upon the latest stand.
However no guarantee for the integrity, accuracy and timeliness can be assumed.
All elements of this site are copyrighted for the ServerGuard24 GmbH, Bonn. Reproduction of one or more elements,
use or print of displayed information- even partially- without previous permission is strictly prohibited.
Credit Card Billing:
Credit card billings will be executed by PAYONE GmbH · Fraunhoferstraße 2-4 · 24118 Kiel, Germany - Registered Office:
Kiel - District Court Kiel HRB 6107 - A company of Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe