Server Monitoring with the Domain Monitor


This monitor allows you to monitor a DNS record. A domain name service request is sent to a DNS server and the response is compared with the expected IP address. If the domain does not resolve correct, you will get notified immediately.


DNS Server to query
DNS server to query

Expected Address
Expected IP address

Expected Address 2
Additional expected IP address

Expected Address 3
Additional expected IP address

Expected Address 4
Additional expected IP address

Address Conjunction
Result check
OR: the resolution contains at least one expected address
AND: the resolution contains all expected addresses
ALL: the resolution matches exactly the expected addresses

DNS record
Queried DNS record (A - Address IPv4, AAAA - Address IPv6, MX - Mail, CNAME - Alias Domain

DNS server authorised
Determines if the DNS server has to be authorized for this domain

Time in seconds before a connection attempt times out.
If a timeout occurs, the status of the check is changed to Critical.

Availability Report

Server responding, successful reply from DNS server, response matches the expected IP address

Server not responding, no reply from DNS server within the timeout, response does not match the expected IP address

Performance Report

Response Zeit
Time, which is needed to execute the check